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Networking, was first conceived in late 1960s, when U.S. Department of Defense began developing the Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA). From this agency was created ARPANET, which was the first packet-switched network. The first version of ARPANET began operations in 1969. This project was a success and developed into what is today called the capital "I", or Internet. In 1983, Novell Inc. released a network operating system that revolutionized the computer network. The system was created by a group of Brigham Young University graduates who called themselves "Superset Software." This operation system was known by many names, but was the forerunner of the network OS know as NetWare. Current Networking technology offers a cost-effective method for distributing services and sharing equipment. From the early ARPANET project, networking was found its way into small family businesses and large corporate environments. A network is a number of computers connected by cable that can share information and peripheral devices, such as printer. Networking is a communication system that enables users to transfer or share similar types of data and programs. Networking also applies to any multi-user system. Local area networking (LAN) connects PCs together for sharing real-time information, storage, applications and peripherals. Novell NetWare puts these networking functions together and offer a wide range of products for networks of any size. Some of the main features and benefits of networks are given below:
Networking can be as simple or as complex as you need for your company. Small offices can use the network for sharing data and printers among users. With medium-sized networks, you can have gateway links to minicomputers from multiple vendors and links to offices across town or across the country. Because each type of multi-user environment has its own rules and utilities, gateways enable dissimilar systems to communicate with each other through hardware and software communications. Even large networks, commonly referred to as Enterprise Networks, enable users to access data located throughout the world from any number of minicomputers, mainframes or remote LANs. Local Area Network is the linkage of personal and other computers within a limited area by high performance cable. LAN permits users on the network to share limited resources, such as an expensive color graphic printer. If one computer in a network shares its printer with a network, every computer connected to the network can use it. You have access to the printer as if it was connected directly to your machine.
Current technology has produced many forms of data processing, and a company can select a form uniquely suited to its needs. The processing systems are:
a) Interactive Processing System b) Real Time Processing Systems
Batch processing, a widely used technique, involves the regular processing of large amounts of data. In batch processing, data is collected for a predetermined period of time, after which it is processed.
We can connect our small personal computer with the large computer with the help of an operating system to do some work is referred to as On-line Processing. Online processing is used by airlines to accept and confirm customer reservations in seconds. As online banking system is another example of this type of processing.
CHARACTERISTICS An on-line system consists of terminal(s) connected to and controlled by the computer. Communication lines connect the various departments of a business directly to a computer for specific department on the nature of the functions performed. It is important to appreciate that an on-line system need not be a real-time system but a real-time system must be an on-line system.
APPLICATIONS On-line systems may be used for:
(a) Interactive Processing (Transaction Processing)
It handles transactions individually in what is referred to as Conversational Mode Processing, unlike batch processing which deals with them in batches. The software prompts the user, indicating the needs of the application, which may specify the data required for processing, ask if it is a debit or a credit or if there any more transactions for the item currently being processed, to which the user responds interactively. The system may then ask that if there are any more transactions and the user respond accordingly. At the end of the posting run back-up copies of master files are produced for security purposes. Interactive processing can be done on a stand-alone basis by a single user or on a multi user basis, which allow each user to enter and process data according to his or her specific needs. This type of processing technique receive and process data at random time intervals. If transactions are dealt with as event occur and the files are updated with details immediately, it is a real-time system. Transactions need to be processed as they occur; for example dispatches to customers can be input the following day for the production of invoices. Transactions are still dealt with on an individual basis, however, and this is the key factor distinguishing this type of processing with batch processing.
It is a parallel time relationship with an ongoing activity and is production information quickly enough to be useful in controlling this current live and dynamic activity. Thus, the word real time describes an interactive processing system will severe time limitations. A real time system uses interactive processing, but an interactive system need be operating in real time. The difference is that real time processing require immediate transaction input from all input-originating terminals. Many terminals are tied directly by high-speed telecommunications lines into one or more processors. Several stations can operate at same time. Files are updated each minute, and inquires are answered by split second access to up-to-the-minute records. But its possible to have an interactive system that combine immediate access to records from a central collecting source. Such an interactive system would meet many needs would be similar and less expensive than real time system.
It is a general term used to describe a processing system with a number of independent, relatively low-speed, online and simultaneously usable stations. Each station provides direct access to the processor. The use of special programs allows the processor to switch from one station to another and to do a part of each job in an allocated "time slice" until the work is completed. The process is frequently so fast that a user has, the illusion that nobody else is using the computer.
The Capabilities PCs offer to small businesses can be greatly enhanced when several independent workstations are linked into a larger system. The ability to send and receive messages and shares programs and data makes connecting PCs a wish choice for small companies unable to afford a mini computer. A variety of systems are available for linking several workstations. One economic approach is a multi-user system. This system uses a single processing unit to link several dump terminals. Since multi-user systems link inexpensive terminals instead of the more expensive PCs used with other systems, multi-user systems provide cost savings for small businesses purchasing a complete system or adding users to a system currently in operation. Yet for a small business that already has compatible PC hardware and software, multi-user systems may not be the best choice because these systems require special equipment and the exiting equipment cannot be used.
Techniques that facilitates the running of two or more tasks concurrently on microcomputers is called Multi-Tasking. In mainframe environments multi-tasking is referred to as "Multi-Programming", but in both instances the technique allows high speed switching between different tasks while affording access to multiple sources of information as with integration with text files, functional files, graphics and database etc. Each task has its own window on the screen, which act as a viewing area of the computer's memory. Multi-tasking provides facilities for the transfer of information from one application to another with high speed switching between them by means of special operating systems. DATA COMMUNICATIONS
ADVANTAGES" Data capture at the information source. " Centralized control of business data. " Rapid transmission of information. " Support of rapid expansion (into dispersed locations). " Improved management control of business data (by linking terminals to a central database).
WHY DATA COMMUNICATIONThe market manager using a data communications system that gives him the following major advantages: DATA CAPTURE AT THE INFORMATION CENTREUsing data communications makes it possible to capture data at the point of origin .That is, data can be entered directly into the system at their source instead of being sent to some distant location for data entry and processing. RAPID DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATIONA data communications network provides immediate access to information when it is needed. If the company's distribution centers are connected by a data communications network, the clerk can use a terminal to find out the current inventory of the requested item in the other centers - and therefore how best to fill the order. DISPERSED OPERATIONA firm using a data communications network can operate more efficiently over a wide geographical area than it could not work without such a network. DATA COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATIONThe use of data communications systems in the business environment has increase rapidly. Following is a list appeared in order of increasing complexity, starting with source-data collection and ending with networks involving data communications between two or more computers. SOURCE DATA COLLECTIONAs its name indicates, source data collection involves the acquisition if data at its point of origin. Information is entered at a remote terminal and stored on floppy disks for later transmission to a central computer where it can be processed. This application permits the collection of large amounts of data during those hours most convenient for capturing it and transmission costs are lowest. Source data collection is often used for inventory control. Data on shipping and receiving transactions can b entered at a terminal is the local warehouse of distribution center, stored, and transmitted at a latter time. REMOTE JOB ENTRYRemote job entry is a batch-processing application. The job is entered into the system at a remote terminal and the output is returned to a remote printer at some later time. Routing instructions that specify the output destinations are submitted along with the job. Remote job entry usually sized volumes of data and a response time of one to two hours. This application tends to be vulnerable to error because the input is difficult to check and errors show up only in the output. MESSAGE SWITCHINGMessage switching permits the sending of a message from one terminal to anoyher on a data communications network.All the sender needs to know is the recipients mailbox ID, or identification code.Mesaage switching also makes it possible to send a single message to mailing list consisting of two or more mailbox IDs.The volume of data involved in anyone transmission tends to be low, while the response time may vary from minutes to hours .Electronic mail is an application of message switching in computerized office environments using company-wide networks. ON-LINE QUERYOn-line inquiry makes information available to a user who has keyed in a request or inquiry at a terminal connected by a communications like a host computer. The volume of a data transmitted per inquiry is usually quite low, and response time is measured in seconds. Retailers to check the credit status of customers making credit-card purchases extensively use this application. But the usefulness and value of online is not limited to making business transactions more convenient. In on-line inquiry with overnight update users can enter update transactions, and these transactions are used to update the appropriate master files once a day or less often. In on-line inquiry with immediate update the user can transact to update master files as soon as new information becomes available .The best known application of this type is the airline reservations system. TIME SHARINGTime sharing refers to the sharing of the computer's time by multiple users. In its most popular form, conversational time sharing, this application allows the user to communicate interactively with the computer, keying in data and instructions at a terminal, and receiving a response in few seconds, and often faster. Because of this quick response time, the user has the impression that no one else is using the computer. In fact, the computer is dividing its time among many users, giving each a tiny slice of its time before going on to the text. The process, appropriate called Time Slicing, is so fast that computer often executes an instruction from one user, makes the rounds of the other users, and returns in time to execute the first user's next instruction.
COMPUTER TO COMPUTER NETWORKThe most complex data communications network consist of distributed computers linked together. Such a network provides users at many different locations with the advantages of having access of all the files, programs, and processing capabilities of the network. DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSINGAnother environment in which data communications is used is in distributed data processing networks which link centralized computer systems to decentralized mini- and microcomputers with local processing ability.
The structure of a data communications network is more easily understood if it is first compared with a traditional data processing system. In a data communications system, a communication channel links a communication control unit to one or more devices on the network. The communication control unit handles the input/output processing required by dozens of hundreds of terminals trying to send data or to receive data from the computer system. To understand how a data communications system functions, we need to concentrate on three main types of components:
COMMUNICATION CONTROL UNITA large central computer is seldom the ideal instrument for handling data communications, which involve short bursts of activity in sending and receiving single messages. To make central computer effective in data communications, additional hardware has been developed in the form of front end modules. These modules control data transmission between the central computers and remote devices. They are designed to perform as many communication functions as possible, freeing the computer to perform the data processing operations for which it is better equipped. The important function of the communication control unit includes the following:
TERMINALSThe terminal used may be any one of several types of input/output devices. Teletypewriter terminal have a keyboard for input and can print hard copy output. Video terminals have a CRT screen for displaying input from the keyboard and output from the computer. Remote job entry terminals are stations consisting of a card reader, line printer, often some time of storage capacity for the local user, and a operator console that has CRT screen, all of which are connected to a control unit. Transaction terminal, such as point-of-scale terminals in retail stores, are linked to a controller or mini computer in the transaction environment itself. Intelligent terminals have a built-in microcomputer that enables them to perform such functions as transaction editing, verification, and even database enquiry or data processing. MODEMThe term MoDem is an abbreviation for Modulator/demodulator. It is easier to understand what a modem does if you think of it as a two-way adapter between a transmission channel and either a communication control unit or a terminal. The modem converts a digital signal received from a communication control or terminal into an analog signal that can be transmitted over a telephone line. The modem converts an analog signal received over a communications channel back into a digital signal, which is the kind , that computer and terminals understand. COMMUNICATIONS LINESA communication line or a channel that links terminal to the communication control unit and the central computer can be one of several kinds. For the time being, however, it is necessary to only that there are two types of arrangements of lines in a network: point-to-point and multi-point. In a point- to-point configuration a single terminal is linked to the central computer. In multi-point configurations the line to the computer is shared among several terminals.
MULTIPLEXERA communication device is designed to carry only one message at a time; that is, it cannot carry two or more messages simultaneously. However, this limitation can in effect by passed with the use of a multiplexer. A multiplexer enables a single communication device to carry several combined signals. It does so by converting several low speed signals and transmitting them over a high speed line. Given the costs of transmission, it is clearly cheaper to send several signals lines at a high speed over a single line than to send them at low speed over separate lines. Thus multiplexing uses channels more efficiently and reduces the per-message cost. CONCENTRATORSConcentrators serve much the same basic function as multiplexers, but they have additional capabilities. In effect, they are intelligent multiplexers. Besides combining messages they can check for errors, change message codes and formats deletes extraneous characters, and temporarily store messages or parts of messages. The ability of concentrators to combine messages makes it possible to use the full capacity of a transmission line.
WHAT IS CHANNEL?In the simplest terms a communication channel can be defined as a path for the transmission of a signal between two point. A channel is also referred to as a line, circuit, or link. Of course, not all channels are the same or transit signals at the same aped. There are six type of communications channels listed below. TELEPHONE WIRE PAIRSTelephone wire pairs are the oldest types of communication channel. Telephone lines contain many such pairs twisted around one another and wrapped in a protective covering. A single wire pair constitutes a channel for the transmission of voice communication. For that reason they are often referred to as voice grade channels. Telephone channels used for data communications have a bandwidth, or frequency range, of 3000 cycles per second. Transmission is measured in terms of wave frequency of the transmitted signal. One Hertz(1 Hz) represents a frequency of one cycle, or one complete wave, per second. The larger the bandwidth, the higher the frequency, the more waves are transmitted per unit of time and, therefore, the more information can be carried by a transmission. Consequently, even though transmission can be said to be faster because it carries more information in the same unit of time than does a low-frequency transmission. By the same token, a line can carry a greater number of frequencies can be said to be faster than one that can carry fewer frequencies. WIRE CABLESWire cables also contain wire pairs, usually numbering in the hundreds. However, insulation and special twisting methods minimize the interference, or cross talk, between individual pairs. The resulting improvement in the quality of transmission has led to the replacement of earlier, open-wire pairs by cable wires. Today the latter are the type used in most data transmission channels. COAXIAL CABLESA coaxial cable provides a much higher quality of transmission than do wires pairs and transmits at much higher frequencies. A coaxial cable consists of a cylinder with a copper wire conductor running down its center. Insulation separates the conductor from the cylinder. A large cable can hold twenty operating coaxial cables. Often used for underground transmission lines, a single large cable can carry more than 100,000 telephone calls at one time. MICROWAVE
Microwave links are the chief competition of coaxial cables for transmitting large volumes of data. A microwave link typically consists of several microwave towers spaced twenty-five to thirty miles apart. Signals are transmitted on a line-of-sight path from one tower to the next. The path between towers must be clear of any obstruction, because solid objects easily reflect microwaves. Towers cannot be spaced apart more than thirty miles, because microwaves travel in a straight line and will not bend with the curvature of the earth. When a tower receives a signal, it amplifies the signal and retransmits it to the next tower. One hundred towers can carry a signal from coast to coast. Coaxial links are at a disadvantage in this respect, since a coast to coast coaxial link requires about 1000 amplifications and transmissions. Microwave links can carry thousands of voice channels and are widely used for television transmission. COMMUNICATIONS SATTELITEThese can be thought of as microwave towers placed many miles above the earth. Because of their height satellite links can transmit microwave signals over great distances, unhampered by the earth’s curvature or by mountains and other objects that limit microwave links. In-practice a communications satellites hangs in stationary orbit over a given geographic area. Signals sent from one station in this are bounced off the satellite to distant receivers in the same area. A combination receiver does the bouncing /transmitter called a Transponder. This device receives a signal form earth and retransmits it at a different frequency. The change of frequency is necessary to prevent incoming and outgoing signals from interfering with each other. If the intended receiver lies outside the geographic area covered by a satellite, a second satellite can be used. The original signal is simply bounced back to an intermediate station, which transmits it to the second satellite, which in turn sends, it to the intended destination. Three such satellites are sufficient to enable a signal to hop to almost any part of the world. LASERS AND OPTICAL FIBERSLasers are the optical fibers are the products of new technologies that are now being studied possible applications to data communications. A laser generates a beam of light that is almost perfectly monochromatic, which means that almost all the light rays in the beam have exactly the same frequency. Laser light is also coherent. Generally speaking, this means that all the light waves in the beam are “in-step” and therefore interference between waves in minimal. In practice terms, coherence means a minimum of distortion in the information transmitted by the laser beam. These features make a laser beam capable of carrying 100,000 times as much information as a microwave link. Optical fibers are extremely fine filaments that act as a kind of pipe for the transmission of light. Made of glass or glass like materials, optical fibers are particularly effective in transmitting laser light with minimum distortion or loss of light. Consequently, the possibility of combining the two is of great interest to researchers in data transmission. TRANSMISSION FUNDAMENTALSIn order to understand the basic functioning of data communications networks, we need to know more about how a message is sent over a communication link:
MODES OF TRANSMISSIONThe mode of tansmission refers to the manner in which the characters of a message are transmitted. The problem for the receiving unit is to separate one character from the text. There are three ways, or modes, for this kind of decoding: · Synchronous · Asynchronous · Isochronous Synchronous
Transmission Synchronous transmission sends character in groups, or blocks. A block of data may contain thousands of bit. Each block begins with a set of bits that enables the receiver to synchronize itself with the transmission. In effect, the receiver times or measures the transmission as it received and separates the individual characters. In other words, the receiver sets it to divide the transmitted message into time intervals, or characters. Timing is clearly important.
Transmission Asynchronous transmission sends characters one at a time. A start bit identifies each character and a stop bit. This type of transmission is said to be asynchronous (unsynchronized) because the receiver can identify a character by its start and stop bits regardless of when it arrives; that is, characters can be sent at irregular intervals. Asynchronous transmission is much slower than the synchronous type, being limited to about 1800 bits a second.
Transmission Isochronous transmission combines features of the other two. Characters have identifying start and stop bits, and the sender and receiver are synchronized. Rates of isochronous transmission go as high as 9600 bits a second- slower than synchronous but faster than asynchronous.
TYPES OF TRANSMISSION Communications between units of a network obviously require that at least some units be able to both receive and send messages. In this context, we can define three types of transmission: · Simplex Transmission · Half Duplex Transmission · Full Diplex Transmission Simplex
Transmission Simplex transmission is one way. The sending unit always sends and the receiving unit always receives. For example, a printer at a distribution center may be restricted solely to receiving input for printing hard-copy documents. It cannot be used to transmit messages to the sending unit. For that reason, simplex channels are not used for conventional data communications.
Duplex Transmission Half duplex (HDX) transmission permits transmission in both directions, but only in one direction at a time. That is, one unit can send a message to another, but the receiving unit must wait until the reception is completed before transmitting a message of its own. Full
Duplex Transmission Full duplex (FDX) transmission allows a unit to send and receive messages simultaneously.
protocol is a predetermined procedure or routine used by sending and receiving units to ensure that they communicate properly. Protocols are the feature of the hardware equipment and are usually decided on at the design stage by the manufacture. The protocol chosen may be that of the manufacture or one previously established by a standard s committee. Protocols define the correct procedure and rules for executing transmissions and related operations. Specifically, they are used to define:
This type of communication network provides additional services to the communication channels by third-party vendors under a government license. The additional services include automatic error detection and correction as well as ‘store and forward’ message services, electronic mail and protocol conversations to access different computers to network.
In general terms, a local are network (LAN) is an electronic communications network that uses private branch exchange (PBXs) or other local communications channel for transmission instead of public communication facilities such as long distance links or satellites communications. Perhaps its greatest advantage is that it permits the linking up of variety of devices- word processors, desktop computers, printers and storage devices- in a small area such as a business office. The importance of this advantage is made clear by single statistic: 60% of office communication involves individuals in he local organization: Specifically, a small personal or office computer in a LAN is able to; · Gain access to data stored in a central storage disk devices and store data in those devices; · Transit documents prepared on the computer to an electronic printer; · Transit electronic messages to other computers in the network; and · Send information to and receive information from a CPU in the network. To understand the functioning of LANs better, let’s look at the three types of configuration, or layout, of these networks.
There are many variations in data communications network arrangement, but the basic types are the wide area network (WAN), and the local area network (LAN). The first WANs was established to provide timesharing services. With the introduction of microcomputers, the networks facilitated the distribution of computing sources throughout the film. Today, both WANs and LANs are being used for client/server computing. In a LAN, the firm owns all of the hardware and circuitry, but in a WAN the channel is provided by a common carrier. Common carriers provide a variety of products and services. A product that is revolutionizing how data and information are communicated is the integrated services digital network (ISDN). The star configuration links each device in the network to a central control unit. Star networks represent the traditional approach to network linkage. Most star networks use PBX links (telephone lines). This type of link has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that telephone lines already exist. The main disadvantage is the limited capacity of such lines.
Ring networks link devices by cable in a loop or circle. The central controller or computer is part of the loop. Data is transmitted around the ring, with the attached devices picking out from the information stream those messages addressed to them. The particular type of line control used by ring networks is known as Token passing. Each device is allowed to transmit only when it holds a logical token. The token is passed from device to device. The function of token passing is to prevent multiple devices from transmitting at the same time, a condition that can result in data collisions. BUS networks consist of a cable to which devices are connected by a cable interface unit. The network has no central controller, and data can be passed from one device to another through the bus. Because there is no central controller, the prevention of collisions between messages is a major concern. Bus networks use a form of line control known as CSMA/CD, or Carrier Sense Multiple/CD require a device to first check the transmission like for traffic before it sends a message. This procedure is called Listening Before Transmitting. If the line is free, the device transmits. CSMD/CD also requires the device to check for collisions. If one does occur, the device retransmits its message at the next opportunity.
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